The Times - Album of the Week
Thrilled that my Chopin concertos album with the Chineke! Chamber Ensemble was chosen as Album of the Week and featured on The Times! Thank you!
“The result is entrancing, with piano and string quintet intimately interweaving, adding extra strength and beauty to scores already potent enough with their melodic riches and romantic allure. And if you imagine the results might be rather dainty, you don’t know Emmanuel Despax. Coming after the eloquent string players’ long introduction to the First Concerto, Despax’s opening statement arrives like a blast of dynamite. Though he sinks happily into meltingly lovely reverie when Chopin’s intentions allow, he’s driven mostly by dark energy and muscular strength. In doing so, Despax reveals to us the music of a 20-year-old already stretching beyond decorative brilliance towards the powerful expression of contradictory, sometimes troubling emotions.”